Everything else:

Multiple debts, getting sued, and deceptive forms

The last three sections of the FDCPA don’t have a lot of parts, but they can be hard to follow unless you have a roadmap. Our chart walks you through each of three three provisions so you can tell whether you might have a violation.

Click below to download a free, easy to follow chart that tells you whether the debt collector has misapplied payments, sued you in the wrong place, or used an illegal and deceptive form.

Image of a flow chart

Download the Chart here.

Are you struggling to find the right words to respond to a debt collection demand?

Our complete Debt Collection Dispute System gives you five sample letters and a complete step-by-step walkthrough showing you how to customize each letter for your exact situation.

You’d spend hundreds of dollars to hire a lawyer to write these for you—or, for about half what you’d spend to fill the gas tank on your truck, you can get professional samples and coaching on how to do it yourself in under an hour.

Sound good? Get our complete Debt Collection Dispute System before your 30-day deadline runs out.

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