Florida Supreme Court hears argument in Bartram vs. U.S. Bank—How many chances does a bank have to get it right?
What if one side had unlimited chances to win? That’s the question before the Florida Supreme Court in Bartram v. U.S. Bank.
The Florida Supreme Court heard argument from lawyers on both sides to address the question of whether there is any limit on a bank’s right to try, try again after losing a foreclosure case.
The video above demonstrates that the justices had a number of questions about the issue. Some of the justices seemed committed to the idea that the statute of limitations should apply to banks just like it does to other litigants, and others seemed to be persuaded by the fact the most states do impose limits on banks’ attempts to foreclose. Others kept their thoughts to themselves.
It’s way too early to predict what the Court will decide—and their opinion could come anytime from next week to next year—but we hope that the court decides the rule of law applies to banks just like it does to all the rest of us.