When Debt Collectors Don’t Respond to Your Dispute

If a debt collector has refused to respond to your dispute letter, there are four reasons why it might be happening—and each of those four requires a different next step. If you’re wondering why the debt collector ignored your dispute letter, and what you should do next, Florida debt-defense lawyer Mike Wasylik explains everything.

📞 Watching on your phone? Get Florida help for Florida cases: https://ricardolaw.com/contact/

📫 Get a FREE set of sample debt validation letters you can use here:

Your rights under HIPAA—explained by the federal government: https://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/YourHealthInformationYourRights_Infographic-Web.pdf

⛑️ Want help fighting off debt collectors who ignore you and refuse to honor your requests? Call us at 352-567-3173 for a FREE 30-minute appointment with one of our lawyers (Mention this “No Response” video!) to find out how we can help you. (Offer limited to Florida cases.)



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Three ways a dispute letter can make you $1,000