While other lawyers abandon foreclosure defense, Ricardo & Wasylik is putting the pedal to the metal!
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The Tampa Bay Times ran a front-page story today detailing how many attorneys are bailing out of the fight to protect Florida homeowners facing foreclosure.
But while some lawyers are throwing in the towel, the Ricardo & Wasylik firm is just getting started. Here’s what reporter Susan Martin wrote after interviewing our firm:
Not all foreclosure defense attorneys, however, say business has slumped.
I get between 90 and 100 people contacting our office over foreclosure defense issues a month and that number is actually growing,said Michael Wasylik, a Dade City attorney.Partly, I think, that’s because (lawyers) who used to do this have gotten out. When it got really popular, a lot of lawyers who weren’t really able to do anything else started doing it and I think that as their business dried up we were getting referrals from other lawyers and past clients.
Like most foreclosure defense practices, Wasylik’s firm offers clients options that include negotiating with the bank on a short sale or loan modification. For many borrowers, though, the goal is to get the case dismissed even though banks generally refile.
I have one family that was filed on four times and beat all four cases and there’s been no activity at all from the bank since the last dismissal about a year ago,Wasylik said.That family had active cases starting in 2007 and we’ve kept them in their home that long.
If you want to speak with a lawyer who’s going to fight for you instead of throwing in the towel, give us a call today at 352-567-3173 to set up your appointment.