Your job and the crisis: changes in Florida employment law during the national emergency
Your job and your paycheck are critical during any time of uncertainty, and now, with so many Floridians facing furloughs, layoffs, and workplace closures, getting that paycheck may be what you’re worried about the most right now.
Attorney Tony Cabassa of Wenzel Fenton Cabassa fights for the rights of hard workers just like you, and today he joins attorney Michael Wasylik to discuss the impact of recent changes in employment law for Florida’s hardest workers. If you’re worried about losing your paycheck, getting sick leave, or providing for your family during this pandemic, watch this video find out what rights you have under Florida and federal law.
To reach Tony’s firm, or to find the unemployment application web site he talks about in the video, go to or simply call 813-365-3417.
You can also watch their YouTube Channel:
If you have questions about how this crisis affects your housing, your credit score, or other bills you might be struggling to pay, go to or call Ricardo & Wasylik PL at 352-567-3173 to schedule a NO CHARGE 30-minute strategy session with one of our lawyers to learn your options.