CREDIT REPAIR IS DEAD in 2024 but here’s what to do instead to remove INCORRECT, OLD, STALE, or INCOMPLETE items from your credit reports. Florida debt defense attorney Mike Wasylik [...]
When a debt collector sues you, what are the weak spots in their complaint, that can help you win your case? This video shows you how a real debt-defense lawyer tears apart a complaint filed by [...]
When a debt collector sues you, how do you respond? This video shows you each step these professional lawyers use when they answer debt-collection lawsuits, and you can follow along for your own [...]
You can remove collections from your credit report. It’s fast, easy, free, and it’s 100% legal—unlike the methods some of these online “gurus” will tell you. This video [...]
This video shows you how debt collectors will use AI and new tech to take more of your money than ever before, and shows you new ways to respond to that threat. If you want to figure out how to [...]
A debt-collection dispute letter can make you $1,000 if you know how to use it. Florida debt-defense lawyer Mike Wasylik explains the three ways you can use a debt-dispute letter to help put [...]
If a debt collector has refused to respond to your dispute letter, there are four reasons why it might be happening—and each of those four requires a different next step. If you’re [...]
If you’re looking for a form letter to fight debt collection, you may be skipping important steps in your battle to defeat the debt collectors—and skipping those steps will lead you to [...]
Most people are sending the WRONG letters for debt collection disputes and debt validation. In this video, Florida debt defense lawyer Mike Wasylik explains which letters you need to STOP using [...]
When Portfolio Recovery—or any other junk debt buyer, like Midland, Cavalry, or LVNV—breaks the law, you can make them pay for their wrongdoing. And even better wipe out the debt they are trying [...]