When Mr. Cooper (Nationstar) Screws Up Your Mortagage
When Mr. Cooper (formerly Nationstar) makes a mistake in your mortgage loan, you need to know how to handle it the RIGHT way or you’ll risk foreclosure and losing your home. In this video, Florida foreclosure lawyer Mike Wasylik explains how to handle a mortgage loan mistake by Mr. Cooper/Nationstar.
As promised, here’s the address you need to write to if you’re disputing a mistake in your Mr. Cooper/Nationstar loan:
Mr. Cooper
Attn: Customer Relations
PO Box 619098
Dallas, TX 75261-9741
You can also find it on the back of your monthly mortgage statement.
If you need help fixing mistakes with a Nationstar/Mr. Cooper loan, talk to the law firm that’s helped hundreds of families fight foreclosure. Call us at 352-567-3173 for a FREE 30-minute appointment with one of our lawyers (Be sure to mention this “Nationstar/Mr. Cooper mortgage mistakes” video!) to find out how we can help you.
And don’t forget to download our FREE 30-page Consumer Guide to Defending Florida Foreclosures: